Your Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) is sponsored by the City of Los Angeles and supported by the City’s Board of Deferred Compensation Administration, a team of Personnel Department staff, contracted service providers and consultants, and investment managers.
Board of Deferred Compensation Administration Members
Thomas Moutes, Chairperson
Retired Participant Representative
Jeremy Wolfson, Vice Chair
Active WPERP Participant Representative
Joseph Salazar, First Provisional Chair
General Manager, Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions (LAFPP)
Matthew Benham, Second Provisional Chair
Active LACERS Participant Representative
Simboa Wright, Third Provisional Chair
Organized Labor Representative
Todd Bouey
Acting General Manager, Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS)
Grayce Liu
Interim General Manager, Personnel Department
Linda P. Le
Retirement Plan Manager, Water and Power Employees’ Retirement Plan (WPERP)
Carl Lurvey
Active LAFPP Participant Representative
Personnel Department Staff
Esther Chang, Defined Contribution Plan Manager
Eric Lan, Senior Benefits Analyst I
Claudia Guevara, Benefits Specialist